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We are a welcoming, active and engaging reform congregation dedicated to celebrating Jewish life through worship, spirituality, music and community.

Our membership is ever growing: from individuals to families, unaffiliated Jews to interfaith couples, individuals and couples with young children to empty-nesters, we are accepting new members all the time and we would like you to come be a part of our home for reform Judaism on the South Shore.

Here at Am Echad, you will find a welcoming, engaging, dynamic and fun place where you can grow...

  • Your spirituality and connection with Judaism
  • Your children’s education and development
  • Your love of Jewish culture, music and worship
  • Your connection to family, friends, neighbors and community
  • Your desire to serve your community

Member Spotlight

Adrienne & Howard Bernstein HOW HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED AT TEMPLE AM ECHAD? From the time we joined Temple Am Echad, we felt empowered to contribute to Men’s Club and Women of Am Echad (WAE). Under the auspices of those organizations, Howard organized a Broadway Revue featuring congregation members and engaged the Gilbert & Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island to perform The Gondoliers. In addition, he was honored to serve on the Temple Board. Howard also sings with Kol Echad—the Temple choir conducted by our enthusiastic Cantor and accompanied by the talented David Close. Adrienne served with WAE initially as Corresponding Secretary and later rose to Co-Vice-President. She ran a Tu’Bshvat Poetry Slam and a Rosh Hashanah cooking class and a virtual community yoga class (“bisel zitsen”). Together, we performed (Howard) and served as prop master (Adrienne) in several Purimshpiels. WHAT WE LOVE ABOUT TEMPLE AM ECHAD We joined Temple Am Echad in September, 2016 and so enjoyed its warmth and spirituality that we chose to have our wedding ceremony in its sanctuary. From the time that we first arrived at Temple Am Echad, we were welcomed with open arms and encouraged to become actively involved in a variety of capacities. We have developed many meaningful relationships with members sharing a common commitment to Jewish values, ritual and holiday observance. Cantor Nancy Dubin is an inspiration to us both for her warmth, deep devotion to prayer, extraordinary musical talent and interest in exploring different musical genres. FAVORITE BAGEL Adrienne: Toasted everything bagel with shmear of scallion cream cheese with slice of lox. Howard: Toasted egg everything bagel with poached salmon and sliced onion.
Steve & Laney Honig HOW HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN TEMPLE AM ECHAD? LANEY: We became involved in Temple life soon after a merger while our daughter was still in High School. A newly made friend reached out & said, “Come to a Sisterhood meeting. I think you’ll enjoy it.” And “Come see the Temple show, you’ll love it, it’s great.” The rest as they say is history because from that point on I have run dozens of dinners, served on the Sisterhood Board & what is now the WAE Board as Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, VP for Fundraising & VP for Membership. I’ve been on the Temple board for many of the last 29 years. Through that I served as a co-chair for both the Religious School Committee & the Scholarship Committee. I was the seamstress & costume co-coordinator for many Temple shows & worked at all of the Golf/Tennis/Dinner events. While all of this was enjoyable & satisfying I am very proud of how successful our Monte Carlo nights were each time, which I co-chaired with some terrific people. I’ve also served on a number of nominating committees for both WAE & Temple as well as 2 rabbinic search committees. Covid has certainly put a crimp in my involvement but I try to keep involved by being part of the Tech crew running some of the Zoom activities. I have a hard time saying NO. STEVE: I have been involved in Temple ever since our daughter was ready for Hebrew School when she was seven. We both were involved at NCT as Board members of Temple as well as Mens’ Club & Sisterhood. Same at Temple Emanu-el & now at Temple Am Echad. I have continued my involvement in Men’s Club for over 35 years serving as VP for Fundraising for several years & then as Co-President for 4 years. From Succah building to Sunday morning breakfasts (Pre- Covid) to entertaining Tribute bands to informative speakers to setting up chairs before a dinner, to breaking down chairs after a dinner, Men’s Club is an arm of the Temple that is ready to help & I enjoy being a part of that. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT TEMPLE? LANEY: Temple Am Echad is an amazing, caring community of people. I have seen so many reach out to those in need in so many different ways. I have been blessed to be the recipient of this, but I have also been blessed to have the opportunity to return the favor. From receiving meals after surgery to setting up for shiva while a family was at the cemetery because there was no one else to do it. All you need to do is open the door literally & figuratively & open arms will reach out to you! I look forward to seeing everyone at Temple in a post-Covid time life. STEVE: The thing I Iove about Temple is the people. We all want our Temple to be better. The more we are involved the better our time here has been. WHAT IS MY FAVORITE BAGEL & HOW DO I LIKE IT? LANEY: Now this is something about which I am very definitive. I like Bagel Boss’ low carb multi-grain bagel scooped & toasted with WW cream cheese, lox, red onion, lettuce & tomato with a hot cup of Decaf coffee. Since I scooped it & used WW cream cheese a piece of chocolate Babka afterwards would be very nice! STEVE: I love a fresh sesame bagel with butter, lox, onion, & tomato. Also I love a hot cup of coffee with it.
Judy Bernstein HOW HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED AT TEMPLE I joined Temple in the fall of 1963 and became involved immediately as there was a Temple Art Show and a Temple Musical Show the year we joined. I had a leading role in the show and Al and I both entered pictures we had painted in the "Temple Members Art Show." We also had a small volunteer choir where I sang, with David Saperstein (who was in high school at the time), in the choir loft, every Friday night. One day, soon after we joined, I accidentally walked in on a group of women in the upstairs lounge and was invited to be on the Sisterhood board. I had never met such an intelligent, warm, welcoming group of women and was honored to become part of it. I have been "recycled" and am currently a VP once again. WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT TEMPLE What I love most about the Temple is the people. I am proud to say that I was a member of the Volunteer Faculty in the Religious school for several years. So many members give endless hours preparing lessons for the children and being there for them on Sunday mornings. In all these years, I have felt nothing but warmth, love and joy as I enter the building. There are many decisions to be made and many differing opinions about really important issues. Members in leadership roles are passionate about the job and crucial to the survival and success of Am Echad. I truly appreciate all they do. I also love the Adult Ed program where I learn so much, and the Caring Community, where we cook and contact all our members who need support. FAVORITE BAGEL Whole wheat
Janna Trevers & Baia Strand Janna Trevers & Baia Strand HOW HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED AT AM ECHAD We've been involved since we moved back to NY from Boston in 2014 when we introduced the Temple Tots program from another synagogue to Am Echad. I'm on the membership and fundraising committees, I have been in temple shows and sung with the choir, I've subbed in services as both rabbi and cantor, I served on the nominating committee last year and am now on the WAE Board. I teach Sunday school to the 2nd and 3rd graders (Baia's class!) Baia, a Temple Tot Grad, comes to family services, has participated in the Purim shpiel and loves to hear Cantor Nancy sing! WHAT DO YOU LOVE ABOUT TEMPLE What do you love about Temple? The music and the people. I have known some members since I was Baia's age! Baia and I met some of our best friends at Temple. Shout out to Heather Zuckerbrot! FAVORITE BAGEL Rainbow with cream cheese. Before being dairy free - egg with cream cheese and lox. Guess which one is which?
Carole & Dave Schrager Our family joined Temple Emanu-El in the summer of 1974 as our children were ready to start Religious School. Dave’s list of temple activities include being Men’s Club Financial Secretary for almost as many years as we’ve been in Temple as well as Vice President of Membership for Men’s Club. He was a two time honoree of the Men’s Club Man of the Year. He’s also a former member of the temple board as well as being a member of various temple committees including the Rabbi Search committee and High Holiday committee. He prepares those people receiving High Holiday honors. He has taught in religious school and is a member of the Temple choir. Carole is a past Sisterhood President, has been on the Temple board and chaired a number of committees including Nursery School and Library. For many years she worked in the Temple library distributing books and reading to Religious School classes on Sunday. Jointly we worked on a number of Journal Dinners and were honored by temple with our own journal luncheon. The temple was our second home while our children were growing up and most of our good friends were also temple members. Dave’s favorite bagel is an everything, just as is. Carole favors a sesame bagel with lox and cream cheese. This past Shabbat, Carole & Dave received a blessing on the bimah for their 60th anniversary.
Dahlia White How have you been involved at Temple Am Echad? I have substitute taught Hebrew and Sunday school, and assisted in the Hebrew School Tu B’Shvat and Passover Seders. I have led Shiva Minyans for Temple members who experience losses and co-led Summer Services. I belong to the Caring Community and have made condolence calls. I participated in the Nominating Committee and, during the pandemic, the Reopening Committee. Since October 2018, I have been teaching Hebrew (Conversation) to a core group of Temple Members. A couple of members have come and gone, however, several students have remained throughout and we have been having fun, communicating in Hebrew, on zoom, since the start of Covid. What do you love about Temple? I love the people of Temple Am Echad, as well as the employees, individually. Favorite Bagel? These days, my favorite bagel is a sunflower seed flagel, a rare treat, as it is full of carbs. If it is fresh, I’ll eat it plain. Toasted, or day old, a schmear of whitefish salad or cream cheese, lox, tomato and onion…can’t remember the last time I ate all of that.
Lee Jacob What brought you to Temple Am Echad? I became Bar Mitzvah under the guidance of Rabbi Saperstein legacy Temple Emanun-el and continued on to be of what was then a very large confirmation class. Hebrew lessons were also part of my Jewish education. My family remained members of Temple Emanun-el through my years while I attended college and my involvement with Temple life consisted of attending Shabbat and High Holy Day services. After both my parents passed away I felt I was seeking something to fill a void on a spiritual and emotional level. I decided to join Temple Am Echad as a single member. Eventually I was introduced to Ellen Tolle who chairs the Caring Community and became active in volunteering for the cooking project. Soon after I was mentored by Edie Mandel and was encouraged to join the board of trustees of our Temple. Both of these wonderful women gave me the impetus to feel good about myself. I was following in my dad’s footsteps who was an advocate of volunteerism. I became involved in co-chairing our Jewish film series with Alane Rubel which continues to be successful. Social Action has followed co-chairing with Viv Blumstein bringing together temple members to help bring positiveness in a non-political way. I got out of my comfort zone volunteering to lead Shabbat services and delivering Dvar Torah. What do you love about Temple? What I love about Temple Am Echad is a sense of belonging and unconditionally being accepted for who you are. There are opportunities to learn about the roots of our Jewish faith as well as broadening our knowledge through adult education. I truly appreciate the services presented by Rabbi Ross and Cantor Dubin which are so engaging with the prayers and musical accompaniment. Every time I enter the temple doors I feel this is where I belong. Lastly, the Mens club is a gathering of men who strive to give back to temple in a charitable way and a chance to bond and banter freely. Favorite bagel? My favorite bagel is the sweet and savory cinnamon with a generous smear of cream cheese and smoky maple jam.
Toby & Bob Stone How have you been involved at Temple Am Echad? Toby: V.P. of Sisterhood ( now WAE) and life member of the board, taught 6th and 7th grades in Religious School, taught classes in the Adult Introduction to Judaism Program, delivered D’var Torah at Friday night services on numerous occasions, co-chair of High Holiday Committee and H.H. Ushers (first woman to do so), chair of Legal Committee, Temple Board Member Bob: President of Men’s Club, chair of Men’s Club Board, brought Family Services to Temple, chair of Hebrew School Committee, High Holiday Co-Chair, Temple Board Member Between the two of us, we have chaired or served on almost every Temple Committee at one time or another. What we love about Temple are too numerous to list. But, a few things include: -Life long friends we’ve made -The feeling of “home” when we walk into the building -Support we’ve gotten from the Rabbis and Cantors at difficult times -Opportunities to learn and participate in the strengthening of the Jewish community. Favorite Bagel: Toby - everything with lox and cream cheese Bob - plain with chive cheese


Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785